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Honeymoon Wishes
Jessica Wagner & Tanner Tanke
Location: Grafton, ND
O.k. this is kinda a confusing story but here goes. First of all Tanner and I knew of each other because he got his hair cut by Amy, whom I worked with at Cost Cutters. So I would see Tanner come in oh, about every 4 weeks. I always thought he was pretty good looking, but I was always seeing someone else. Amy, his hairdresser, would always say Jess you should date Tanner, he's not dating anyone. I said no, he looks kinda cocky. ( I of course don't think that anymore!) Anyway, we first started talking because I was looking for my friend at the bar that I thought was texting me, but it ended up to be Tanner's friend that was texting me. He saw me and my girlfriend at the bar and said, "who are you guys looking for?" I said," my friend Cole", he said "oh, he is at the blackjack table." So I looked over there and said, "Where?" He says, "the tall guy." I said, "oh, that isn't my friend Cole." He proceeded to tell me that he is who I was texting. OOPS! I guess it was meant to be the wrong person because from then on we talked and danced and Tanner and the crew from grafton came over to my house for a couple nightcaps after the bar. He invited me to a Sioux hockey game the next night, and it has been ever since.

We are getting married in Grafton, ND on Nov. 22, 2008. The ceremony will be at the All Faith's Chapel at 5 pm.
Our reception is going to be at the Market Place on 8th here in Grafton. With Robert Benda as our dj from grand forks. So there will be dining and dancing all night!
We are planning on flying out of Grand Forks on January 7, 2009 for our honeymoon to Sandals Dunn's River in Jamaica. We chose to go back to the beautiful island that we got engaged at. We stayed at Sandal's Whitehouse on the south border of Jamaica our first trip. It was so amazing and the staff was excellent we decided to go back to Sandal's. Dunn's River is on the North East part of Jamica. We will be staying there a week.
First off we would like to Thank all of you for being behind us as we've FINALLY made this step in our lives. As many of you know we both have been living on our own for quite awhile. Therefore we don't need a lot of household items, that is why we set up this fun website. So if you would like to go and check out our registry at honeymoon wishes it will give you an idea of the fun activities that we would like to do that aren't included in our honeymoon. This will help us to achieve our dream wedding and honeymoon that we so desire. We are counting down the months, weeks, and days until November arrives!! WE LOVE AND THANK EACH ONE OF YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS !!!!!!!!!